How to use "Scan-2-Pay"?
Instructions for using "Scan to Pay":
1) Sender tap the "Pay" icon and choose "Scan to Pay"
2) Receiver tap the icon "Collect" and choose "Receive Money"
3) Sender scan the QR code provided by the receiver
(Alternatively, sender can also press "Select from Album" icon after pressing “Scan to Pay” and choose receiver's stored QR code from their photos, then enter the amount)
If the amount is entered by Receiver
a) Receiver enter the amount and presses “Confirm”
b) Sender get a pop-up screen with the amount to be paid and press the green tick at bottom right to confirm
If the amount is entered by Sender
a) Sender get a pop-up screen without the amount to be paid
b) Sender enter the amount and press the green tick at bottom right to confirm
4) Sender enter the Transaction PIN
5) Receiver receive the push message (The message can be found in the "Transaction History" ) and verifies the amount, payment account, date and time
Last updated 1:07:04 PM 7/07/2018 HKT