
威過 Apple Pay!新版 TNG 將可搭埋巴士、小巴!


威過 Apple Pay!新版 TNG 將可搭埋巴士、小巴!

Apple Pay 即將到港,最擔心的想必是 Tap&Go、TNG 呢兩間本地流動支付服務吧?

不過 TNG 似乎已經做好準備,今日推出 TNG 2.0 版本,為流動支付服務加入四大新功能,包括現金提款、信用卡轉帳、銀行轉帳等等,仲預告之後可以用埋黎係巴士、小巴上面俾車費,勁過 Apple Pay 喎!


雖然 Apple Pay 係美國推出在先,但去到英國就架勢到打通埋公共交通,搭地鐵一樣可以用 Apple Pay 俾錢,相當方便,不過來到香港的合作商戶仍然以連鎖商家為主,交通付款一概欠奉。

而 TNG 就搶飲頭啖湯,預告未來將加入 Bus Pass 支付功能,可以好似英國 Apple Pay 咁,用手機係巴士、小巴俾車費。


TNG 會係巴士、小巴車身安裝藍牙 beacon 技術,一上車 TNG App 就會自動彈出付的 QR Code,將手機螢幕面向巴士的掃瞄器就 OK,而且 TNG BusPass 同 Apple Pay 一樣可以離線完成支付,就算網絡環境唔係咁好,都一樣俾到錢唔怕尷尬。

此外 TNG 亦會開發 Apple Watch / Android Wear 版本,等用家可以直接用錶顯示 QR Code 俾錢。



可能用家會問,咁用落其實同八達通差唔多,咁 TNG 又有咩吸引力呢?

A:TNG 行政總裁就話,TNG 面向商戶的收費會對八達通等競爭對手為低,以吸引巴士公司、小巴公司安裝;至於對於我地呢班實際用家來講,就會有類似「搭十程送一程」「送咖啡店優惠券」之類的優惠。



A:TNG 表示現時已經同幾間巴士公司、小巴公司簽約,但由於正等待運輸署審批,所以暫時仍未公佈詳細的合作企業。至於邊條巴士、小巴線會有呢?同樣要等巴士公司、小巴公司安排及公佈。

Announces Strategic Exit from Stored Value Facilities ("SVF") business

We would like to announce to our users that we have decided to exit the SVF business due to our consideration for strategic corporate restructuring and realignment. The decision to exit the SVF business was made after a thorough review and deliberation of the company’s portfolio and business strategies. We are working on a non-SVF business for a total transformation of our business to carry our motto of “Make Your Life Easier”. Do take note of our future announcement. 

Customer Protection

TNG Wallet remains committed to supporting its users, merchants, and service partners  during this transition. We have made sufficient provision for financial and administrative resources to meet the float redemption and relevant administrative processes to ensure that all obligations to users, merchants and service partners are met and that users are provided with the necessary guidance and support. 

The existing independent 3rd Party, Custodian agency, (“Tricor Trust (Hong Kong) Limited”) will continue to act as Custodian throughout the redemption process. TNG will commence the exit process today (25 October, at 4:30pm) and all of the services will be terminated by 9 December 2024. From 4:30pm on 25 October 2024 to 6:00pm on 9 December 2024, all TNG users will be able to withdraw your money in TNG Wallet in various ways (see below service list for more info). 

You are encouraged to withdraw the remaining balance via local merchant payment, FPS/ Bank Transfer, P2P Transfer, and MasterCard Purchase on or before 9 December 2024 6:00pm. All relevant service charges will be waived during the period of 25 October 2024 and 9 December 2024. After the termination of TNG services on 9 December 2024, TNG Wallet App will be retired and the management fees will be applied. 

For details, please click this window to find out.