
TNG推Mastercard預付卡 助用戶管理消費


TNG推Mastercard預付卡 助用戶管理消費

TNG(Asia)營運的TNG電子錢包今日宣布,推出創新且便捷的TNG Mastercard預付卡。TNG電子錢包的至尊會員由即日起,可在TNG電子錢包應用程式內申請TNG Mastercard,體驗新的服務。

TNG Mastercard預付卡,設有多款顏色供用家選擇。(TNG官網截圖) TNG Mastercard預付卡,設有多款顏色供用家選擇。(TNG官網截圖)


TNG Mastercard預付卡 連接全球商戶

TNG Mastercard的所有消費均會在TNG電子錢包的帳戶內直接扣除。為了向用家提供簡單易用的財政管理模式,現可即時在應用程式內,查看消費紀錄及帳戶餘額。此外,TNG Mastercard還具備一項創新功能,用家可隨時隨地登入TNG電子錢包,調整每天、每週或每月的消費上限,更方便和有效地檢視和管理個人消費模式,培養良好及穩健的消費習慣。

擁有TNG  Mastercard的用家可以突破TNG 電子錢包的網絡,連接全球接受Mastercard付款的商戶,日後無論是網上購物、訂閱娛樂頻道、日常零售消費,或到海外旅行都可以隨時隨地快速拍卡支付。



Announces Strategic Exit from Stored Value Facilities ("SVF") business

We would like to announce to our users that we have decided to exit the SVF business due to our consideration for strategic corporate restructuring and realignment. The decision to exit the SVF business was made after a thorough review and deliberation of the company’s portfolio and business strategies. We are working on a non-SVF business for a total transformation of our business to carry our motto of “Make Your Life Easier”. Do take note of our future announcement. 

Customer Protection

TNG Wallet remains committed to supporting its users, merchants, and service partners  during this transition. We have made sufficient provision for financial and administrative resources to meet the float redemption and relevant administrative processes to ensure that all obligations to users, merchants and service partners are met and that users are provided with the necessary guidance and support. 

The existing independent 3rd Party, Custodian agency, (“Tricor Trust (Hong Kong) Limited”) will continue to act as Custodian throughout the redemption process. TNG will commence the exit process today (25 October, at 4:30pm) and all of the services will be terminated by 9 December 2024. From 4:30pm on 25 October 2024 to 6:00pm on 9 December 2024, all TNG users will be able to withdraw your money in TNG Wallet in various ways (see below service list for more info). 

You are encouraged to withdraw the remaining balance via local merchant payment, FPS/ Bank Transfer, P2P Transfer, and MasterCard Purchase on or before 9 December 2024 6:00pm. All relevant service charges will be waived during the period of 25 October 2024 and 9 December 2024. After the termination of TNG services on 9 December 2024, TNG Wallet App will be retired and the management fees will be applied. 

For details, please click this window to find out.